ROSS ANDERSON - Lost Dogs’ Home

Unlocked Millions for the Future

When I first arrived at The Lost Dogs’ Home, I was spending up to three days a week on estate management. There was so much more that I knew I needed to be doing. If Bequest Assist hadn’t taken over all of that estate work, my time would have been taken-up by solicitors and executors rather than connecting with our supporters and building our Gifts in Wills Program. Instead, I’ve been able to spend time stewarding our supporters and identifying hundreds of new Gifts in Wills leads. That radical shift in my work focus has unlocked millions more dollars of income that the charity will receive in the years ahead.

Maureen and the Bequest Assist team bring not only their own experience and access to legal advice from specialists in wills and probate law, but also tap into complex accounting and taxation advice as well. As a result, they’ve identified hundreds of thousands of additional income from estates that we can now receive. That’s been achieved through carefully analysing documentation, finding estates we simply didn’t know about or thought had been finalised, and applying creative solutions to complex estate matters.


They’re able to really scrutinise the estate accounts – I just didn’t have the time or expertise to do that as thoroughly as they can. By the time you calculate the return on investment in appointing Bequest Assist, it’s 10-fold, 100-fold, maybe even 1000-fold.


It’s worth every cent.


ALEXIS ESCAVY - Greenpeace


CHRISTINE ROBINSON - World Wide Fund for Nature